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Maintenance plan schedule

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We have a requirement when a maintenance plan is completed the system will calculate the next due date based upon the date the activity has been completed plus the duration defined in the maintenance plan.

The behaviour we would like to be. Provided is that the due date will always set to the last day of the month no matter what day within that month it was completed on.

Example 1) month is March the defined duration is 365 days the work was completed on March 4 2020

a) the next due date will calculate March 15 ,2020 plus 365 days=March 15 2021.the actual sue date will be set to the last day of the month=Marcy 31 2021

b) the next due date will calculate March 15 ,2020 plus 1 year=March 15 2021.the actual due date will be set to the last day of the month =March 31,2021.

c) the next due date will calculate March 15, 2020 plus 12 MON=March 15 2021.the actual date will be set to the last day of the month=March 31,2021

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Active Contributor
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You could try factory calendars and only make the last day of the month a working day. And then your cycle isnt 1 year, but instead 12 days. However, I doubt this will suite your requirements either..

As Terance suggested above, I suspect you will need to use the IPRM* user-exits (SMOD) or *IPMRM* BADIs (SE18) to code a solution.



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Thank for your reply.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Prasad,

Try using Scheduling Indicator has Time-Key date.

I dont think its possible in standard... but you can try using custom button or scheduling option in IP10 or Ip02

