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How to process ROUTING/ORDER having parallel sequence/operation in ME?


Dear Experts,

We have a business requirement where i need to process a SFC in ME POD having parallel sequence/operations.

In our scenario, we don't create operation groups in routing within ME instead we create such routings in ECC and trigger the same using LOIROU Idoc to ME. Now standard LOIROU XSLT in MII which is used to process LOIROU Idoc can support routings with linear operations and not the operations which are in group and hence, i need to customize my LOIROU XSLT to process parallel sequence/operation group coming from ECC.

Details: --- There is an additional segement E1PLFLL created in IDoc structure when we add any parallel operation grouping in routing with VORNR1 as entry step and VORNR2 as exit step and rest of the operation from 20-60 are in paralle grouping as shown in below picture.

Now, since my standard XSLT doesn't allow me to process such routings in MEINT, request your input/suggestion on customization that i need to do in standard LOIROU XSLT to process such routings in MEINT.

Any help would be greatly appraciated.


Harsh Sahu

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