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how to pass parameter when login XMII

0 Kudos

I want to pass the mac address from winform apps and open the MII system as below link:

https://server:port/XMII/Illuminator?service=Personalization&MacAddress="; + macAddress;

But when i login on the MIi system after input user name and password the url link automatically change to


How can i keep the MacAddress query string in the url address after login?

MII Version: 15.3

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What is the purpose of including the MAC address?

0 Kudos

Hi Mike:

As we used mac address to determine the work station computer on production line, we controlled which machine can do which step. i Know we can got client ip address by PropertyAccessServlet but the ap address get automatically and will change when computer restart.

Currently we use Active X in IE browser to get mac address but as IE in not support anymore, we want to switch to Chrome.

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