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How to import SAPUI5 version 1.60 for MII 15.2

Active Participant


We have MII 15.2 system and the latest UI5 version available with this system is 1.52 as UI add-on. I know that, we can import the desired version of SAPUI5 library directly into the workbench if it is not available via netweaver addon. But, importing into workbench is taking a lot of time and some time java heap space issue.

So, is there any way we can import the libraries for MII without using workbench ? Like, coping the library files into a installation folder ?



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If you develop your own applications, you need to take care to bootstrap the right UI5 version from the server, which would be:

    • /sapui5-1.44/resources/… for UI5 1.44 (as of 7.50 SP07 and higher)
    • /sapui5-1.52/resources/… for UI5 1.52 (as of 7.50 SP11 and higher)
    • /sapui5-1.60/resources/… for UI5 1.60 (as of 7.50 SP?)*
    • /sapui5/resources/… default for UI5 1.38

    *I m using MII 15.2 SP3 Patch 8, is ok for UI5 1.60


    Pablo Silva

    Active Contributor

    I created a tool that exposes the MII virtual file system via FTP. You can download it and find some documentation here:

    You can then use an ftp client like win scp to upload the files into MII. It will still take a long time but it wont crash or have any memory issues. You will get a few files that fail because they are empty or have an odd name but so far they haven't been an issue as far as running ui5.


    Active Participant
    0 Kudos

    Hi Christian,

    Thanks for the reply. We have 15+ servers and it will be too much to upload the library to each of these servers. Can we upload the libraries into a ftp server and access it from there ? Can the browser be able to load the libraries from ftp ?



    Active Contributor

    Well the uploads would be able to run in parallel and mostly unattended so I do not think it would be too much if you decided to go that route. I suppose you could create a web project with NWDS with the desired ui5 files and try to deploy it that way. I do not think putting them on an FTP server would work but I have never tried. The ui5 libs are just static javascript files so they can be served from any web server that your users can hit on their networks. They may be available on your ERP system depending on what version they are on and if they are running fiori. SAP does provide a public cdn as well but you would have to make sure it wont get blocked by the companies firewall.
