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How to identify manually overwritten referenced instances

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Dear Experts,

I would like to create a report to identify instances in Product Stewardship where a reference has been manually overwritten.

In CG02, in the property tree, you can see a different symbol for these cases:

Is there a field in the database where this is maintained?

Any idea on how to identify these cases?

Thanks in advance!

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Dear Irene

sorry to say: there is no "field" which you can check. Please remember this:
CG02 is using the standard APIs/BAPis to read data and then to decide: overwritten: yes/no to indicate the symbol in property tree.

How to solve your demand depends on your need

Option 1.) You can prepare an output variant (own coding etc.). Then you can select property tree and output could be a list of specifications with "overwritten" properties (and list the properties by specification)

Option 2.) Some person might have the wish to have a "search" query (show me those specifications for which e.g. density has a "broken" reference => you can use here own coding for such a "search exit"

Option 3.) May be you would like to implement a kind of "Management of change" option. E.g. if a person is "breaking" a reference some other person should get an eMail => this is possible as well

Option 4.) prepare an ABAP report (plus may be transaction) independent of Cg02 to be used by "super experts" only to prepare such outputs for such a demand

Option 1.) is a good one; same for 2.) Option 3/4: You need to decide on your own: what is your need?


0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

Many thanks for your reply.

Kind regards,


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