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GANTT Chart Project Management - Date in label

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GANTT Chart Project Management shows Weeks (CW 1 to 52) and Days (Mon, Tue...), but does not show dates in the 2 rows on top of the Chart.

I want to display the Date on top, but do not find a user settting or Config. Is there a way to do that?

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Product and Topic Expert
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The system behaves as follows:

  • method CL_DPR_UI_LOG_GANTT~GANTT_PARAMETERS contains a logic which determines which two ribbons should be shown, depending on the selected view (e.g. for view "Weeks" the two ribbons in the SAP Standard will be "Gantt.CProjects.Ribbon.CalendarWeekLanguage" and "Gantt.CProjects.Ribbon.Day")
  • the type repository XML file contains the logic which builds the two aforementioned ribbons

If your goal were just to change the logic which determines which existing (i.e. SAP standard) ribbon is used in a view, say for example if you wanted to display the ribbon for "month" even if you are using the view "week", then this could be easily achieved by implementing BAdI DPR_GANTT method IF_EX_DPR_GANTT~GET_GANTT_PARAMETERS with your own logic (see SAP Notes Nr. 1141343 and Nr.

978297 for more information).

There is however no ribbon existing in the SAP Standard which shows the date. To use such a ribbon, you would therefore first have to create your own TypeRepository.xml file, in which you define this custom ribbon as TIMESCALE. Considering that different months have a different number of days, this would not be trivial, and I am unfortunately not even sure that it can be achieved.

