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Exporting DG Configuration from one system to other

0 Kudos

Hope you all are doing good.

I have a question related to the DG configurations. We are implementing a new S4 EWM system & we will configure all DG configurations available in ERP system to the EWM system, so that we could pass the DG data using IDOC.

Manually copying the configuration in the new system is a time taking process as we have language dependent configurations. So, if you could provide a solution which SAP recommends copying/importing of DG configurations from one system to other would be helpful.

ERP version : SAP S/4HANA 1909

EWM Version : SAP S/4HANA 2022


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos


We did using BC Sets in the past for the configuration including 3E delivery, you need to tweek the BC set files for S4 CORE version or else, it's pretty easier way to do it.



Active Contributor
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referring to your sentence " will configure all DG configurations available in ERP system to the EWM system, so that we could pass the DG data using IDOC."

PAY attention.. The IDOC story does work only ! if the needed phrases are existing in the eWM system as well. Only to distribute the DG part per IDOC is not good enough

Sorry to say.. using SAP now for a long time the "DG customizing story" depends on "release" (Support Package can be a difference as well). To bring to system in "sync" can be time cunsuming an you must "pay attention" a little bit,

But for most of the stuff you can perform a so called "Cross transport" (extract customizing from system A and "upload" it to system B) I skip here the details.. anybody (with rechnical experience) know how to do this..

You can try to use may be "BC Sets" as well.. But sorry to say... this task should be done in most of the case in short time (prepare new customizing entries in new system)

The "not so trivial" part is.. if the "source" system get changes in this area (customizing) you MUST make sure that the same changes are applied in Target system, or may be ALE will not run properly.
