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Experiances unsing BAdI rpm_process_data for HCM-PPM Connection?

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Hi everybody!

Does anybody do have any experiances unsing BAdI rpm_process_data for HCM-PPM Connection (PPM 6.1))?

I would like to use this BAdI to set availability information at PPM from HCM Masterdata.

That means time informations form infotyp 0007 or 2003 (excl. planned absences) for planning. And for compairing with timerecordings in CATS for every project.

My questions now are

1) how to act at PPM to get into the implementation of this BAdI, having a breakpoint set

2) for what time period should this badi collect timedata ... I haven't found something in inport parameter

3) how to interpret the importparameter? Which one are important to check and to use, to get the wanted data from HCM?

4) How to get BP-Number to fill ET_CUST_TIMEDATA. BP-Integration is allready on ... BP for employees creats automaticaly. I checked transaction BUM3 and found the Employee number empty. Whats wrong here and how to get Partner ID when Employee number is filled correctly. Is there any class methode or function module to get the related Partner ID for a employee number?

5) In which from expect PPM data at




6) are there any examples available to get an idea how to use the BAdI properly?

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards

Karina Behr

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Karina,

May be you can refer the below discussion to find further details to integrate HR availability to PPM.