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EHS: Configuration WWI.INI for PDF Export (1535067 )

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long discussed topic, but other threads don't help me. The PDF export doesn't work so far. So could you help my by taking a look to my wwi.ini? Based on sap note 1535067 the following steps has been done:

  • Copy the function module CVE9_RDO_DOKX_EXPORT and adjust it accordingly.
    Replace IC_WWI_SUPP_APPL-PS with IC_WWI_SUPP_APPL-PDF. -> done
  • Alternatively,you can use an external command line-enabled PDF converter -> PDFCreator installed

I adjusted my WWI.ini in the following way:

; entries for conversion into PostScript

;entries for conversion to PDF
;you may use %source% and %target% as placeholders
CmdExit="C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe" /OutputFile="***\usr\sap\albo\d10\sdb_exporte\"


; Format=addin(.dot);macro(.main);wwiWordToPDF.Main

The target directory for the export has been defined via transaction FILE and is the following:


So what is wrong so far?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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1.) what exactly is going wrong ? (in which step pof the over all process you have a problem)?

2.) what business / IT process you are using? Do you start in CG54 with an "EXP_CALL"?


But i assume it will not really help in your situation.

Your topic is quite old (as mentioned by your self)

Examples of discussion are:


PS: only as an add on:

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Hi Christoph,

thanks for you answer. The problem is solved and the generation works. But I have one last problem. Via CG54 I want to print a msds (Report -> Print).

By switching to CVD1, I'm facing the following error:

Document Format is not supported.

What is missing?


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christoph.bergemann I forgot to mention you here

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the "PRINT" option is used not very often. Most of the end user do use the "Report Distribution" (which you can as well start in CG54).

I would assume same customizing is missing to support the "print" part. For "SBR" and "IBD" documents: you must check what is missing. By using an "ABAPer" you ca try to figure out: in which "routine" you get the message and then go back.

I am sorry: i can not remember that the "PRINT" part is discussed here often (and i believe it is not part of the "consulting OSS note" for "Report Distribution"

So: sorry: no quick help possible. I use the "PRINT" option may be once in 10 years... (so vary rarely).


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hello glienkedustin ,

If you use a recent word version on your WWI Server, there is no need to install an additional PDF converter as word can save PDFs out of the box.
Are you using such an old word version that you need to set-up a seperate tool for PDF conversion?

Configuration of the WWI server

Install WWI Support Package 25 or later.
If you are using Microsoft Word 2007 SP2 or 2010 or later, and you want to use the integrated PDF conversion, no other settings are required in the WWI server.

Check that no entry for PDF = exists in the WWI.INI in the section [PrintUserExits].
The print user exit is reserved for customer-specific processes and can be implemented by a customer or a consultant. It is not subject to mainstream maintenance. If you encounter any problems, refer to your EH&S consultant or Remote Consulting/Expertise on Demand.

Hey Mark,

thanks for the hint. The PDF-Export works now. What I did:

  • Copied function module CVE9_RDO_DOKX_EXPORT
  • Communication specified (change output format for comm. group nfs to PDF)