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EDI Backorder Communication - IDOCA vs IDOCB

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Hello -

We have customers placing orders for material that are anywhere from 2 days out to 90+ days out for delivery. We at any specific time may not have enough stock to immediately cover the order but will have product for when the customer needs it. The challenge we have is we are sending the EDI signal and it is going out as an IDOCB since there is no stock available at the time of ordering.

Can we adjust the IDOC communication to go back as an IDOCA based on the delivery date and not current stock levels?


Customer orders 100 units item "X" to deliver 6/15/22

Supplier has 50 Item "X" on hand 5/31/22 but has 1000 more arriving 6/5/22

Confirmation is sent with delivery date of 6/15/22 as requested by the customer but is showing as IDOCB and the customer is questioning the confirmation because it shows backorder causing numerous calls and emails.

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