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ECTR with Inventor supports phantom assemblies?

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is there any information about the support of phantom assemblies of Inventor with the ECTR?

Can i work with phantom assemblies in ECTR?

King regards

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I actually use "hidden" status assemblies in inventor and it works. The docoments contained in that assemblies are sent up to the upper BOM level - as in structured inventor BOM and no material is required by ECTR for that assemblies when deriving a BOM containing them. It also work with "Buy" status (acquistato in italian - hope that is the right translation) - the software hide the components contained inside that kind of assemblies.

Maybe Rene refer to SAP Phatom material, that is a SAP specific feature replying exactly that kind of behavior. With inventor/ECTR you don't need to create a phantom material for your phantom assembly - just the DIR with hidden status and it will work in BOM without having a linked material.

Of course, if you NEED the phantom sap material you got a problem as Rene already told

Hope it helps

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Hi Samuele Dalmaso,

How did you manage to get the phantom assemblies to get a DIR with hidden state?

Kind regards,


About the "Buy" BOM state, I understand but its actually Purchased

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Hi Danny,

sorry for the late response.

I manage this feature directly in Inventor using the "Hidden" status inside "document settings" tab

ECTR plugin manage this information as you can see in the screenshot hereunder

You can see on the left the document structure - you can see that the main assembly contains two sub assemblies classified as INV:CW

If you see the material bom on the right that's the SAP material BOM of the main assembly - sub assemblies are not shown, subcomponents have been raised up. No materials are needed for "hidden" assemblies, it works as phantom materials as well

Hope it helps

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Hi Cihan,

I can tel you, from experience, that this is now possible in ed ECTR1.1 S/4 HANA system OOTB



Former Member
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Hello Cihan,

this is not OOTB available. Currently this is only possible with special implementation and require a workshop to check if your requirement could be solved.

Kind regards
