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Conditional WWI Output Question

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I am trying to print out a table of prop 65 components per the standard property tree node. I can get the table to print properly, but what I cannot get is a blank compression to work as I am expecting. My code is as follows,




<03EHS_L_TEXT(CED-H03.00000001)[D:Chemical Name]> <03EHS_L_TEXT(CED-H02.00100020)[D:CAS-No.]>


<03EHS_L_TEXT(CED-U15.00000320)[D:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer,...]>











What am I missing? As far as I read the code This should exit the blank compression if there is no NAM SYN present in the composition of the Prop 65 node, and then print the phrase "This product does not contain..." but this code outputs nothing when tested. Is this due to information being present without comp information being present? Sorry if this is rambling, I am new to WWI work in general.



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Hi Nat,

I think (without reacoding it myslef) the issues is this part:


When you do not have a Cal. Prop 65. component present - there is no composition and therefore no S:POS 1! Therefore all the code under S:POS 1 is never executed.

I think you would need to solve this via a Stack. Push a value to the stack, when printing some Cal. Prop 65 substances. Later in a second step check if you have put anything on the stack: If you didn't put anything on the stack print the phrase "CED-U15.00000320 [D:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer,...]>".

Check: 1566397 - EH&S standard WWI processing methods on how to use the stack.

Hope this helps


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