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Checking for batch validity while assembling in ME

0 Kudos

I would love to have the thoughts of the valued members of this community on the following issue: we have developed a MII transaction that verifies for a batch in ERP whether it is valid and quantity is sufficient. This transaction is linked to the assemble activity with a service extension.

All works fine except for the following loophole : when multiple SFCs are selected and 'Apply to all SFCs' is used to assemble from the same batch for all, the service extension is triggered for each SFC individually. In the case where the available quantity is 1, 2 SFCs are selected and each need one from the batch, the check will return OK for both, but the actual assembly will fail for the second SFC....

I had hoped for one trigger to the service extension containing all SFCs, but apparently that is not how it works.

Not sure whether this should be regarded as a bug. Any suggestions how to do the combined check would be appreciated.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Marcel!

I guess there is no solution for you OOTB. SAP Note 2440566 describes how group mode works, and eventually each SFC is processed separately. So, you have somehow track actual availability of batch on ERP side, or replicate it somehow to MII/ME database and then execute comparison there.

