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Can we pulish research paper on SAP MII


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Active Contributor
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I see no reason that you can't publish it elsewhere. If it's well thought of, it will be plagiarized over and over again (the sincerest form of flattery and an endorsement of your content).

I would suggest also publishing here as well. Some folks post longer documents as a series of blogs although it is best if each one has its own subtopic covered in detail. Regardless of the changes from SCN to SAP Community, this is still a frequent first stop for technical research into SAP products and technologies.

Regards, Mike


Thank you Mike for your time in answering my question. As you mentioned I will also write a blog which can be referred by the SAP community also.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If you are an SAP employee you can publish it as a digital asset document (in pdf). If you are not an SAP Employee, then you can publish it as a Blog. I would recommend that you do some research to make sure your paper does not duplicate existing content whether in SAP Help, SCN archive documents/questions/blogs, active SAP Community Blogs, or other published content.

I am not sure who the Moderator is for MII anymore, but reaching out to them might be a good first effort.

Cheers, Mike

0 Kudos

Hi mike thanks for replying

I’ve actually did some research on my topic and couldn’t find any existing content on this particular topic. As i am not an SAP employee but i work in a work which provides SAP MII services. My topic is related to leveraging SAP Leonardo and SAP MII. Instead of blog can i actually publish in a journals like Springer, IEEE....