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BarCode Label Printing Using MII Screen

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0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

We have requirement to perform label printing from MII, There will be UI screen through User going to perform Good receipt at the same time Label should be printed from MII.

This label is having format with Barcode.

Please help us to know how we can print barcode on Label using MII.

Quick help is appreciated.

Ankit Gupta

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Hi Ankit,

To print documents or labels through MII you will need to have the following:

  1. Netweaver will need to have ADS (Adobe Document Services) configured by your Basis team for your MII Instance. Even though you appear to not be using SAP Manufacturing Execution, this How-to Guide, section 4.2, has step-by-step details for configuring ADS in Netweaver Java AS.
  2. Barcode label Printer shares will need to be configured at the application server such that the MII ADS Printing Action can see them. This process is different for Windows vs non-Windows Netweaver application servers.
  3. Download, Install and use SAP Adobe LiveCycle Manager to create Adobe xdp templates for printing labels (and documents).
  4. import required xdp template files into appropriate MII Web Folder(s).
  5. Use MII File I/O ->ADS Printing Action in a transaction to execute the barcode printing for a specified xdp file, data xml template, and printer.

Regards, Steve

0 Kudos

Hi Ankit,

I saw where you commented but cannot access the comment directly here for some reason.

If you are asking how to generate a barcode directly MII, I am not aware of any. It may be possible to build a barcode object using html5 and css, but you could not "Print" this directly to a label printer very easily. I have done a number of barcode labels from MII using the approach described and it works well.

Are you going to use MII Self-Service Composition Environment to build your UI where the barcode label needs to be printed?

Regards, Steve

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delayed response and YES, you are right i had asked the same but now got clarity as we need to design the label using the Adobe form designer (Adobe Live Cycle Designer) and mapping needs to be done in MII for printing the labels.

BASIS team have configured the ADS server in NetWeaver (Thanks for the guide) but while accessing server in SAP MII we are getting below error:

even we have uninstalled and installed the ADS server again but no help.

FYI-- ADS is working fine in SAP, only MII its giving us error.

I have tried to run the below URL


even we have tried to implement the below SAP note as we are on https but its not moving further and same issue is coming as above.

Any advice on above what we can try next? or any configuration that we need to do in SAP MII side for making this work. As per my understanding and the guide MII will automatically access the role from the UME database or we explictly need to assign this roles to the user?


Ankit Gupta

0 Kudos

Hi Ankit,

I am not aware of any additional configuration in MII that is required to get ADS Printing Action to work in MII. We went through the same steps here and did not have any issues. We are using https only to Web Dispatcher, then internally http between Web Dispatcher and Java AS, so our internal ADS configuration is based on http.

I am sure that you do not have to add any ADS roles to MII users in order perform ADS printing. At this point I believe you will need to log a support ticket against MII Runtime Environment (MFG-MII-CORE-RTE) and have SAP Support investigate further.

Sorry that I cannot be of any further help 😞

Regards, Steve