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Article and/or product Compostion for REACH SVHC Volume tracking in EHSM SVT

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Could you please help me to understand how REACH SVHC Volume tracking can be done for article and/or product composition in SAP EHSM ?

In case of REACH substance Volume tracking (Polymer/Monomer --- Intermediate status..) it is very clear to us.


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Hi Sunil,

As CB said even if it is article the lowest level of article is Substance - which needs to be tracked is a CAS number. So when it is CAS number you can use SVT to track the volumes.

Thanks and Regards


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not sure what you are looking first.

Please check may be first this document:

Second: read intensively the corresponding OSS note explaining the SVT process (which is referenced very often here)

Third: SVHC is a term used in REACH regulation. There is, from my point of view, no difference in tracking if the CAS number is of type "SVHC" or is not

Forth: please describe the terms as used by you: "article and/or product composition"

What is a "article composition"?

What is a "product composition"?

We have too many meanings of the terms


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Article Manufactures manage their component list through BOMs now have to translate these into BOS, where Component masses can be used to work up SVT Calculations.

We are looking for below calculations.

Supplier of articles containing SVHC on the 'Candidate List' in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w).

We have EHSMPRC Solution implemented, but there is no provision for total volume calculation.

How we can map above scenario in EHSM?



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still it is not 100% clear what you "miss" to set up the SVT process,

First part: Article Manufactures manage their component list through BOMs now have to translate these into BOS, where Component masses can be used to work up SVT Calculations. =>

You have main two options to use EHS:

Mainly process 1 could be:

Create REAL_SUB and link to material and prepare SVT compositions (manually in most cases)

Process two can be:

Create material, Create BOM, Then use BOMBOS interface and you will get REAL_SUB/Material combination in EHS

In context of "SVCH": last option does not add value to the "REACH" topic. In most of the topcis you can not use the BOM to generate a BOS which can be used in SVT

But this is an option with much of afterwork to be done. Even if you can generate the BOS from the BOM you need to identify the "CAS" number. So the BOM items represent as well a material (and a REAL_SUB)). If this REAL_SUB does have some "SVT" like composition (and this is rarely the case) you can start direct the SVT work

POtentially by using clever Rulesets you might get a "SVT composition" (and might know that SVHC is to be considered). But reality is (in many/most cases): you most define the BOS at your own (with no (or less) reference to the BOM)

I do not know the "EHSMPRC Solution" you are refering too (or I am not sure if i can link this term 100% to terms that I know)

So: SVT REACH work is starting from "chemistry" (in many cases) and not starting from BOM. But if BOS is existing. SVT set up might be straightforward (but still a big challenge).And yes: you can generate a BOS from BOM but this is not what is used in SVT as the basis of a composition.


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Thanks .We got some lead in this process mapping. Once done we will update solution through Blog.