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All workitems completed but specification status not changed

0 Kudos

HI Experts,

We have customized workflow to change the specification status which will go for approvers inbox for an approval.
in my case, this workflow has 4 sequences and even after all the 4 approvers approved their workitems, specification status did not change. I checked the workflow log in SWIA and not able to find any discrepancies. everything seems to good in workflow log. I checked the work item status in SWWWIHEAD table and all the workitem status has been completed. We tried restarting the workflow again but still same issue happened. specification status did not change after all the work items completed. Please help to find the rootcause of the issue.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Priya,

We have customized workflow to change the specification status 

Since the workflow is customized it will be very difficult for people to comment on it. Please check with the development team who customized the WF.

The only thing that comes to mind, is that someone / some process is locking the specifications so they can not be edited /saved by the WF.



Active Contributor

I'd also examine the underlying code for the method that changes the specification status - is it causing short dumps, perhaps?

If you suspect that the workflow is being locked out by a user processing the specification, you can also enhance your method to check for a lock and error out if there is one. Your WF Admin will be notified and can take corrective action.