Update of REACH SVHC Candidate List
The Candidate List of EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) has been updated. With the addition of 54 new SVHCs, the Candidate List now contains a total of 138 substances.
The new list has now been uploaded to SAP Product Stewardship Network. As a result the status of all product declarations created or published on the network has changed to Review Needed. These declarations need to be reviewed and updated:
If you have published product declarations on SAP Product Stewardship Network, please review these declarations with regard to the new EU EACH Candidate List:
- If your product does not contain any SVHC listed in the new Candidate List, click the Update EU REACH SVHC button for the corresponding product declaration. Your declaration will then be updated with reference to the new list and the status Review Needed will disappear. Please note that for products related to a family declaration, the update button is available on family level and not available for the single products.
- If your product contains a SVHC listed in the new list and it exceeds the defined threshold, please edit your declaration and declare the SVHC. After you have edited the declaration the status Review Needed will disappear and the declaration will refer to the new version of the Candidate List.
Additional ROHS Exemptions
There is also a change for the EU RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). Two additional exemptions have been added for applications containing cadmium (40) and lead (7(c)-IV).
It is now possible to declare the RoHS compliance status of your products with reference to these exemptions. If one of the new RoHS exemptions is relevant for your product, open the corresponding product declaration, click the Edit button, declare the exemption and save your changes.