SAP IoT solution center, the 4th in the World, was launched at SAP Labs CIS Moscow office within Innovation Forum: SAP for ISV's by Bernd Leukert, the Member of SAP SE Executive Board, Products & Innovation on June 6, 2016. 220 attendees joint the forum and watched the ceremony.
Innovation Forum: SAP for ISV's is a young kind of event for IT-developers born in SAP Labs CIS in the late 2015. Could we ever imagine it just half a year ago when running the first Forum in Minsk that Bernd Leukert, Executive Board Member, responsible for overall Products & Innovation at SAP SE come and speak to IT-developer companies in Moscow within our third event of this format?
Together with our colleagues from Co-Innovation Lab (COIL) CIS and the local Market unit SAP CIS, we have created a OneSAP approach to our work with independent software vendors in Russia and CIS countries.
Photo: Different teams in Innovation Forum
There are different teams at SAP whose duty is to engage IT developers into an ecosystem of SAP technological platform and support their use of SAP technologies in building their own products and solutions. There are OEM and PaaS (cloud) sales channels, a number of programs supporting this kind of partners, such as corporate accelerator Startup Focus program, PartnerEdge Build, and the Global network of SAP Co-Innovation Labs. Here in SAP Labs CIS we understood that unless we align activities between all these directions locally they will compete and even cannibalize each other. Our philosophy considers the audience of ISV is a key one to grow up SAP technological platform business. And since SAP is rather young as a technological platform vendor we had to have a complex approach to ISV's. It includes sales channels to ISV’s (where OEM and PaaS play the most meaningful roles) and some activities to support their growth and development, such as Co-Innovation Lab, PartnerEdge Build, and Startup Focus program, who deliver some co-innovation services to IT-developer companies providing them with an access to technologies, expert consultancy for their product development, and assistance for their start of commercialization. Today, every colleague working with ISV's knows the entire SAP menu for developer-partners. So, if one speaks with a startup about Startup Focus and identifies that this program does not meet all their needs, but COIL does, so he or she will introduce this startup to COIL, and vice versa. An OEM manager knows also that these programs can help to make an OEM-partner from just the potential one who has an idea, a wish, and qualification to make their own product on SAP technologies within a co-innovation project.
Photo: Innovation Forum: SAP for ISV's
To promote this approach to the market, Innovation Forum format was created in 2015. The main idea of this kind of event was to give some deep dive into advantages from and opportunities for co-innovating with SAP to developers. This is why a typical forum is a two-day event. The 1st day is mostly about business aspects of co-innovation; so we invite decision makers and developer managers to visit it. And the 2nd day is dedicated to technologies: CodeJam or other kind of hands-on such as workshop can be run in order to let attendees try HANA Cloud Platform or other technologies to solve some basic task or solve a problem. Supported by traditional presentations and key-notes about Global business and technological trends that change our lives and businesses, SAP technologies and solutions, and benefits from co-innovating with SAP for ISV's, a longer than usual interactive communication session is a key part of the event. The idea is that not only do we present SAP co-innovation offering and advantages our partners can get, but also we are listening to what our potential partners do, what projects do they work on. This information can give us a better chance to understand forum attendees' needs, and let them meet the right people from SAP, who all are in a forum (ideally). It also makes follow-up communications after the forum more effective. Current partners are always invited to present their own experience, because they are the best live examples of the ones benefiting from co-innovation with SAP. We used to invite COIL-partners to the forums there is a strong Co-Innovation Lab team on board, and no other programs in place. This is how it works.
Photo: Andrej Bievetski, MD at SAP Labs CIS opens Innovation Forum in Moscow
The 3rd Innovation Forum: SAP for ISV's in Moscow was run on June 6, 2016 in a joint format of Innovation Forum and Co-Innovation Day (COIL traditional event) to avoid making two similar events for a similar audience in the same place. It gathered as many people as both previous forums in Minsk and Saint Petersburg. There were 220 participants, including 21 customers, 149 ISVs and software developers, and 23 Media representatives. It demonstrates a growing interest to SAP as technological platform provider for IT developers in Russia.
Bernd Leukert was our key-note speaker this day, the best person in SAP one can imagine for speaking to IT developers. He inspired the audience with SAP vision and told how SAP’s digital framework supports companies in discovering new opportunities. He highlighted SAP compelling portfolio of IoT solutions and said how SAP supports developers and ISVs to commercialize their ideas.
Photo: Bernd Leukert, Executive Board member at SAP SE, Products & Innovation
Photo: Bernd Leukert's key-note speech
Opening of the IoT Solution Center powered by SAP Co-Innovation Lab in Moscow was the most expected point of the Forum. Bernd has cut the lred tape after an introduction speech of Natalia Parmenova, COO at SAP CIS. The Center is a joint initiative of SAP Labs and SAP CIS. IoT, as Bernd said, is one of the most prioritized strategic directions for SAP. The opening of IoT Center in Moscow will help SAP to better support partners and customers, developing IoT projects in CIS. The main goals of the Center are:
The opening ceremony was unusual, as it used an IoT scenario. When Bernd cut a red tape in the hall, the signal ran to the wearable device of Igor Pak, Head of COIL in CIS, then to the server in cloud, and then to the SAP Labs office, so that a red tape in the office was cut as soon as the signal reached it too.
Photo: Igor Pak as an IoT provider
A Press-conference followed the launch ceremony gathered 23 journalists from the leading Media companies such as TASS and Interfax and demonstrated a keen interest of Media to IoT solution Center. Clemens Daeschle, COO at SAP Labs Network and MD at SAP Labs Paris, Natalia Parmenova, and Andrej Bievetski, MD at SAP Labs CIS were answering very different questions from journalist within more than half an hour.
Co-Innovation Lab partners, who develop their products based on SAP HANA platform shared their experience of cooperation with SAP and told about business benefits they gain from this partnership:
The Innovation Forum in Moscow was rich of International and domestic SAP speakers as well.
Clemens Daeschle told about Global SAP Labs Network and shared the experience of SAP Labs in Paris, famous by its data scientists and gurus in solutions for predicative analytics.
Photo: Clemens Daeschle, VP, COO at SAP Labs Network, MD at SAP Labs Paris
Rudolf Held, Head of the Global Co-Innovation Lab organization shared his vision of how it is possible for developer-partners to benefit from co-innovation with SAP and get competitive advantages from this kind of cooperation.
Photo: Rudolf Held, VP, Head of Co-Innovation Labs Network
Nandagopal Prasad, Head of Partner Innovation Lifecycle Services, announced the launch of “Co-Innovated with SAP” program in Russia that should help partners to get a complex package of co-innovation support and certification.
Photo: Nandagopal Prasad, VP, Head of Partner Innovation Lifecycle Services
Rustem Rymkulov, Head of Integration and Certification Center in CIS introduced the benefits of SAP certification for partners' business and explain how it is possible to get this certification.
Photo: Rustem Rymkulov, Head of Integration and Certification Center in CIS
Andrey Tregubov, Head of SAP Globalization Services in CIS, shared an SAP approach to localization, translation, and internationalization of SAP products, he said how it works in Russia, and what opportunities for co-innovation partners are available in cases, when our partners make localization of SAP products to some markets.
Photo: Andrey Tregubov, Head of Globalization services, CIS
Viacheslav Gershov, Business Development directorat SAP Labs CIS, described general approach of how SAP works with ISV partners and all main phases of co-innovation process. He also explained commons and differences between developer-partner support programs.
Photo: Viacheslav Gershov, Business development Director at SAP Labs CIS, author of Innovation Forum: SAP for ISV's format
Manfred Pauli, Head of HELIX platform development, COIL, invited all and everybody into the World of virtual and augmented reality. He made an expiring presentation supported by fantastic examples of solutions his team has already created for sports, maintenance, and other areas.
Photo: Manfred Pauli, Head of HELIX platform development
Sergey Kuzin, Senior architect of SAP IoT solutions, told a lot of useful information about SAP HANA Cloud platform as a technological basis for crating own IoT solutions by third-party developers. Many attendees have evaluated his presentation as very useful and interesting.
Photo: Sergey Kuzin, Senior architect – SAP IoT solutions
Finally, Mikhail Avetisov, Senior Architect of SAP business solutions introduced SAP tools for predictive analytics and Big Data analysis. Also he was the last speaker, the audience was still attentive to what he have been telling about; it means that Mikhail has got the highest mark for the value of his appearance for the Forum attendees.
Photo: Mikhail Avetisov, Senior architect of SAP business solutions
Additionally to presentations by SAP managers and experts, IoT scenarios in logistics, customer service, predictive maintenance, digital agriculture, and medicine were demonstrated in four booths:
Photo (sap0606-1011): Booth area
Most of participants stayed till the end and gave a very positive feedback. Guests confirmed relevance of topics covered and their interest to potential cooperation with SAP in terms of co-innovation.
It was a hard work to prepare the Forum and run it the proper way. The highly qualified team of SAP colleagues was working several months with me to make it happen.
Therefore, I want to say the very warm thanks to all of them and to everybody in person:
Andrej Bievetski, Managing Director at SAP Labs for project sponsorship and inspiration as well as his involvement into solving most complicated issues in the process of preparation
Igor Pak, Head of COIL CIS team and co-manager of the project for taking the largest part of project management upon his shoulders, as I was too much engaged into SAP preparation to Russia Startup Village, when both processes have been running in parallel
Roman Gumenyuk for entire organization and coordination work as well as creative solution for the opening ceremony together other COIL colleagues Svetlana Matzkevich and Vasiliy Sukhanov
Anna Kopetskaya for entire marketing project-management. Thanks to Anna the Forum ran as smoothly as one can imagine
Natalia Ivanova, Rustem Rymkulov, and Venketesan Ganesh for their active involvement into preparation process
Manfred Pauli, Sergey Kuzin, and Anton Kurudinov for demonstration of SAP solutions in the booths
Tatiana Zvereva and Ekaterina Zakharova for promotion of the event in Media and excellent Press-conference dedicated to the opening of IoT solution Center
Nadezhda Artemieva for design of presentation slides
Marem Baimurzieva and Khachatur Sherents for their assistance with organizational issues
All speakers as mentioned in the text above – for informative presentations.
Viacheslav Gershov,
Business Development Director at SAP Labs - CIS
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