What is the most important element for a successful tech startup? A great idea? A great team? Great technology? Sound business advice? Access to a pool of potential customers? Well, it's certainly a bit of everything, not to forget the secret magical secret.
At SAP we love startups (hey, we haven't forgotten we were ourselves a startup once, about 41 years ago!). We support startups in many way. The HANA Startup Focus program supports existing startups in the fields of Big Data, predictive or real-time analytics solutions. The SAP Developer Center provides developers with free developer licenses to try out SAP platform software such as HANA, Cloud, Mobile and more. You may have also heard of SAP Ventures.
But what about budding startups that at this stage only exist in the mind of their crazy would-be founders? What can we do for them?
SAP is proud to sponsor two StartupWeekend events this year. The first one took place in the Silicon Valley last June and the next one will take place on Nov 22-24 in Stuttgart, in Southern Germany. Both events have a "B2B" or "Enterprise(y!)" side track, meaning that those startup ideas that fall within the enterprise software category will receive special care from a hand-picked bunch of mentors from SAP and the InnoWerft startup incubator based in Walldorf near SAP's headquarters. Our mentors will help participants think through their business model, provide a reality check based on their professional experience, introduce you to user-centered product and services design and explain how startups can leverage SAP's partner programs such as SAP's PartnerEdge program for Application Development. No strings attached of course. We hope we will be convincing enough and that startups will consider basing their development on SAP technology and leverage the SAP ecosystem of customers and partners.
We are also putting the finishing touch to the SAP prize that will go to the best B2B startup idea to come out of this event. This will be a package of additional business and technology coaching, networking opportunities and exclusive offers put together by SAP and InnoWerft.
We have a bunch of free tickets to the event for would-be startup founders who would like to meet other like-minded persons, form a team and lay the foundations to the next big success in enterprise software. If you are interested drop me an email and I will send you the coupon code for free registration. The only thing I ask is that you commit to working on a startup project in the enterprise space. First come first serve.
Any questions, just ask below in the comments. Hope to see you in Stuttgart on Nov 22-24!