What will business software look like in the future? And how will it be developed?
The international conference “Future Business Software 2012“ will take place in St. Leon-Rot, Germany on September 25th, 2012. The conference goal is to provide software experts with insights into current trends in business software development and into the business software of tomorrow.
The conference has two focus areas which are addressed in two tracks:
- Emergent Software as a new paradigm of business software: The 5 sessions address the aspects adaptivity, IT security, interoperability and user interfaces.
- Agile software development processes: These 5 sessions address the topics architecture, implementation of agile methods, large-scale adoption and more.
Keynotes speakers from SAP AG and Software AG will highlight current trends towards the next generation of enterprise software.
Visit the program for details about the speakers and the content of their presentations.
The conference addresses software developers in companies and researchers in the domains business software, security, cloud computing, software technology, quality assurance, and further closely related domains. The event is is organized by the German Software-Cluster and hosted by SAP AG.
Visit the website for further info about the venue and registration.
We look forward meeting you at the Future Business Software 2012!