End2End Integration is an important goal, especially in the digital age. It allows enterprises to perform their corporate workflows in a non-disruptive way be it on premise or in the cloud. It requires that systems interoperate with each other to achieve an overarching business goal. Creating innovations and bringing them to the market is such an overarching business goal. For innovation management end2end integration is about bringing the innovation effectiveness and the innovation efficiency together. Just doing two things integrated: doing the right thing (effectiveness) and doing the things right (efficiency).
As it can already be concluded from the figure, effectiveness(do the right things) happens at the start of an innovation journey and efficiency (do the right things) kicks in later, when it is about developing the product and delivering it to the market. Both aspects are crucial for companies to become an innovative leader in their market and are both fully incorporated in SAP Innovation Management (further reading on efficiency and on effectiveness). Besides the introduced integration functionality of SAP Innovation Manangement such as the integration into Portfolio and Project Management (further examples: Process Efficiency in SAP Innovation Management & Innovation Effectiveness in SAP Innovation Management), other points of integration appear to be relevant:
Measure and Manage – Besides the built-in analysis functionality of SAP Innovation Management, SAP Lumira can be integrated to further analyze the performance of the campaign and their submitted ideas. But SAP Lumira does not stop there, it also allows to analyze the performance of the different actors in the innovation process such as coaches and experts. With these analyses SAP Lumira helps to identify gaps and to allocate resources efficiently. Further the data from the SAP Innovation Management can be combined with other corporate data.
Share – Through the widget functionality of SAP Innovation Management, information about campaigns or ideas can be directly integrated into existing portal and community solutions such as SAP Jam. Thus, widgets enable campaign managers to easily share the content of an ongoing idea through additional channels and to keep the momentum of a campaign and the engagement of the community at a high level.
S4Hana – The integration into S4Hana is the comprehensive vision of how SAP Innovation Management can be enabled for an end2end integration. S4HANA provides the direct access to all the data of an ERP such as finance, planning and accounting. All this data is relevant to finally measure and manage innovations inside a company in an end2end fashion.
This is a post of the Let´s talk SAP Innovation Management, which shall drive discussion about innovation management inside and outside of SAP. We are very keen on getting your thoughts and feedback in all aspects of innovation management.
All articles of the Let´s Talk SAP Innovation Management Series can be found here.
About SAP Innovation Management
The SAP Innovation Management solution helps companies foster innovation, capture it, and effectively and rapidly turn it into value generating initiatives that deliver continued industry leadership.
Comprising unique products, services, processes, methodologies, and governance, the SAP Innovation Management solution helps establish a sustainable creative culture that overcomes departmental silos and unleashes the power of innovation.
For further information about SAP Innovation Management please click here.