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Ramp-Up for SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 ended as of January 21, 2014. SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 is now generally available (GA) to customers worldwide.

SP02 for SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 is planned to be released in CW05 (end of January).

Please note that 6.0 runs on all databases supported by NW 7.4, including HDB (aka HANA). SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 is the first SAP Portfolio and Project Management release with HDB-specific performance optimizations in some areas. The previous versions have also been released for NW 7.4 and HDB, but they have only been ported without including HDB-specific performance optimizations.

There are some places where you can find information about SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 which also serve as central points of entry to find additional details:

  • Release Notes, Master Guide, Master Upgrade Guide, Application Operations Guide, and Application Help, etc.:

       -> SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0
  • Configuration Content (aka Configuration Guide): Information about customizing and configuration is available as PDF attachment to SAP Note 1826389.
  • Product Availability Matrix: Technical and release planning information can be found under:
    Search for “SAP PORTF AND PROJ MGMT 6.0
  • Ramp-up Knowledge Transfer(RKT) - Learning Map (for Consultants):
   -> SAP PLM
     -> SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0

SP Prerequisites and SP Schedule

Information about the available Support Packages (SPs) and their prerequisites as well as important notes which should be implemented after implementing a particular SP can be found in SAP Note 1826383. The current 6.0 Support Package schedule can be found in SAP Note 1826383, too.

Important SAP Notes

There are some SAP Notes which are in general very important for SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.0 and which also serve as central points of entry to find additional information:

  • SAP Note 1826332   FAQs - SAP Portfolio and ProjectManagement 6.0 
  • SAP Note 1826387   PPM 6.0: Supported Browsers, Java versions, etc. 
  • SAP Note 1826389   PPM 6.0: Configuration Content
  • SAP Note 1826383   PPM 6.0: Support package information, notes, and schedule
  • SAP Note 1826384   PPM 6.0: Performance