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This blog post provides an overview of Condition-Based Maintenance feature available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 for Asset Management

Continuously monitoring the health of an equipment and taking steps to avoid a malfunction or a breakdown helps to reduce the impact on production and safeguards the environmental and work health needs of an organization.

With SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202, Maintenance Management provides a lightweight “Condition-Based Maintenance” capability. It allows you to define conditions (limits and tolerance values) and corresponding actions to be taken when such conditions are breached.

Condition-based maintenance means that based on the condition of the asset, a maintenance activity is executed. The end goal is to listen to the various parameters of an equipment and catch the anomaly before it leads to the failure of a machine. The condition of an asset is determined by how efficiently it is performing and fulfilling its purpose. The function of an equipment can be influenced by various factors, some of which are inherent to the equipment (such as sensors, operating conditions, operating hours, and so on) and some that are beyond human control (environmental, geo-political, and so on).

In simple terms, condition-based maintenance means that if a measurement reading crosses a limit, it triggers an activity that will bring the parameter back within limits. But, a simple “greater than or lesser than” condition is not sufficient in some situations. You need additional control over when a notification should be created and what should be the priority of such a notification.

Define Conditions for Measuring Points

Take the example of a centrifugal pump that, as defined by the OEM, under optimal conditions can have a throughput of 100 liters/hour. The equipment can still be operated till 112 liters/hour (beyond which the outflow control valves may get damaged) or as low as 90 liters/hour (beyond which the functionality of a dependent system in the process may be impacted).

However, you might not want to wait till the measurement crosses these limits. You may want to react as soon as the reading crosses 105 liters/hour (or 95 liters/hour on the lower side). This additional level of control is possible by defining a tolerance band above and below the target reading. With this possibility, you can choose to say what you wish to do under any of the four conditions:

  • When the measurement reading crosses the upper limit

  • When the measurement reading is between the upper tolerance and upper limit (as a % of target)

  • When the measurement reading is between the lower tolerance and lower limit (as a % of target)

  • When the reading is below the lower limit

The main screen of the Create Measuring Point has been enhanced with an additional section where, against each condition, you can maintain the following:

  • The type of maintenance notification that should be created when the measurement reading falls within that range

  • The priority of the maintenance notification

  • Default description and long text for the notification. If no description is maintained, the system generates a notification with default description informing you that the values have crossed the limits.

For example, if the characteristic for a measuring point is called Operating_Temperature and the unit of measure of the characteristic is degree (C), then you will see a message informing you that the temperature has crossed the limits.


If you do not wish to execute a specific condition (temporarily), you can choose to deactivate that condition. You may also deactivate all the conditions for that measuring point by disabling all the conditions in the table (Enable Conditions checkbox). Please check the customizing section below .

Limits and Tolerances

The Additional Data screen of Create Measuring Point app has been enhanced to include the possibility to maintain two additional levels of tolerances relative to the target reading. The upper and lower measurement tolerances can be either relative to the target reading (%) or an absolute reading (same UoM as the measuring point characteristic).
















A condition set as shown below can be modelled on the measuring point:

  • Target: 100 liters/hour

  • Upper Limit: 112 liters/hour

  • Lower Limit: 90 liters/hour

  • Upper Tolerance: 5% (translates to 105 liters/hour as upper tolerance)

  • Lower Tolerance: 5% (translates to 95 liters/hour as lower tolerance)

Application to be used for Measuring Point creation :'EAMS_LPD_MP_IK01')/...

The following graphic represents the key terms used in condition-based maintenance and how they come together to help a maintenance supervisor or planner understand why a maintenance notification was created.

As per the configuration maintained above (also depicted by the graphic), when the measurement reading is between 100 and 105, maintenance notifications will not be created. When the measurement reading is between 105 and 112, a high priority maintenance notification will be created, and when the measurement reading is more than 112 (or less than 90) a very high priority maintenance notification will be created.

Application to be used for Measuring Document creation:'IK11')/S27


For the condition-based maintenance functionality to work, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. The Conditions table in the main screen of the Create Measuring Point app will be enabled for maintaining values only if the message for a measurement range is either set as empty or Warning (W). If the value is maintained as error (E), the option to maintain conditions is disabled.

  2. The configuration activity Define Measuring Point Categories has now been enhanced with a checkbox Create Notification. This checkbox must be selected if you wish to trigger notifications when the measurement readings for this measuring point cross the limits or tolerances. If this checkbox is not selected, then the Enable Conditions section in the Create Measuring Point app will appear disabled.

How does the 9-phase Maintenance Process Work?

The concept of 9-phase model for Reactive Maintenance was introduced with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011 by Maintenance Management. Please check this blog post to understand this process better.

When a condition is defined such that the result of the condition leads to the creation of Y1 (Maintenance Request), the maintenance request follows the pre-defined phase model approach. This means that the maintenance request that is created as a result of a measurement reading will still need to be approved by a maintenance supervisor and then taken forward through planning, approval, preparation, scheduling and all the way to execution and post execution.


There may be situations where you may want to have a bit more control on the condition evaluation itself. For example, multiple identical measurement readings have been reported and you do not want to create a maintenance notification for each of those readings. Such situations can be handled through custom logic through the Cloud BAdI Condition Evaluation for Notification Creation (BADI_MSMT_DOC_CNDN_EVALUATION) within the business context EAMS: Measurement Document (EAMS_MDOC). This capability is delivered with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 . For more details about the usage of this BAdI, see here.


Future Road Map

While the current feature is available as a GUI for HTML application only in SAP S/4HANA Cloud (and not in SAP S/4HANA), we do have plans to deliver a more intuitive and insightful Fiori-based report for managing measuring points in the future.


In this blog post we could learn the feature of automatic Maintenance Notification creation based upon the entered measurement reading crossing the threshold values which are the predefined in the measuring point.

Please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any feedback to provide.

(This blog post has been created in collaboration with niranjan.raju).
0 Kudos
Thank you for the valuable inputs !

Are there more details about connecting SCADA equipment online with SAP Condition based maintenance ?
0 Kudos
Hi Fahmy,

You can use the below API's to create Measuring Document in S4 in integration with SCADA (or any other external applications).

Provided these measuring points have an threshold conditions defined, it will go through the flow of CBM,

API hub Link for OP:
API hub Link for CL:



0 Kudos
Thanks Syed,for your Feedback,.

This covers all the details from SAP side, But I want to know more about is there a Prerequisite of sap license material needed for that Function (integration with (PLC or Scada) a our Customer Run with S4hana Rise Private Cloud ?

0 Kudos

I tried to test the above functionality in S/4HANA Cloud sandbox after completing the activities described in the blog post above, but unfortunately no notification is triggered.

Is there any other missing link?

Best Regards
0 Kudos
Hello Rajendra Pandey,

The creation of notification works only if the measuring document is created through the below app.'IK11')/S27

Please do let us know if you still face any issue.


0 Kudos
Many thanks, Syed - It worked and I got the CBM notification triggered. However, I do not see notification number in the source measurement document.

Hope, the functionality will also work with the app "Perform Maintenance Jobs' soon.

Best Regards,

Rajendra Pandey

Hi Syed


Could you enlighten on us on the roadmap for this functionality?

This should be available for all scenario's where measurement documents are created. Being it IK11, process measurements documents, perform jobs, external creation by api's, etc.
0 Kudos
Hi Rajendra,

Currently this CBM functionality will work only in the IK11 app , and we do have plans to extend this feature to be available in other apps in future, including Perform Maintenance Job App.




Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Many thanks, Syed
Hi Tim,

We do have plans to deliver this CBM feature to be triggered centrally, irrespective of where the measurement document is created (including process measurements documents, perform jobs, external creation by api's, etc.), exact delivery timeline is yet to be confirmed.



Best Regards

0 Kudos

Is this functionality planned to be rolled out for on prem transactions such as ik01 and ik11? Ie gui on html .

0 Kudos
Hello Gaurav,

We do have plan for this feature to be rolled out in On prem too, but the exact delivery timeline is not yet confirmed.

0 Kudos

I am not getting the Enable/Maintain Conditions screen or  the Additional Data screen to maintain additional levels of tolerances in the Create Measuring Point app. I have maintained  the customizations you have mentioned - Message is empty and Create notification has been ticked.

Can you please advise if I am missing something here. I am working on S4HPC 2202.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sandy, please confirm if you are checking this in the app "Create Measuring Point" (SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library ( SAPGUI for HTML transaction and not "Process Measuring Point" (SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library ( which is a WebDynpro. Please note, the function is only enabled in the GUI for HTML transaction in the cloud. Also, please check if you are creating a measuring point or a counter. Condition based maintenance is only enabled for standard measuring quantitative measuring points and not for counter.


0 Kudos
Thank you Niranjan, it works now.


0 Kudos
Really like this solution however get a problem with the creation of the notification. I get the warning when i have a high or low value but no notification created. Apps used are according your advice, "Create Measuring Point" and "Create Measurement Document". Conditions are activated. System is a S4HPC 2302. Is there any other hidden setting missing for the creation of the notification?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Bram,

Could you please create a Service Now incident on the component PM-EQM-SF-MPC? Also please attach details on the warning and system connection details so that our development team can look into the issue.


0 Kudos

Where can I find the roadmap for this functionality? Off the top, here are a few currently unavailable features that we may be interested in:

  • Is it possible to maintain a master rule object, that the conditions for measurement point can be associated to? This would be helpful in the case with a large volume of assets.
  • Evaluation of a reading with reference to other measurement points. For example, a measurement reading is out of tolerance in conjunction with another measurement reading. Based on blog post, can this be currently handled via the BADI 'Condition Evaluation for Notification Creation (BADI_MSMT_DOC_CNDN_EVALUATION)', correct?

Lastly, the link to the fiori app is broken. Can you correct?

0 Kudos
Hi Syed,

We have enabled options for CBM in Measuring point categories for notifications and message type, still IK01 is not having option for maintaining conditions in fiori app. We are using S/4 HANA CLOUD 2202 (Private edition)

Yogesh Sharma
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Yogesh, CBM is only enabled in S/4HANA Public Cloud and not in the Private Cloud.
