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Waste Code: Number or code that is assigned to a waste in a legally defined waste catalog in the company.

Each Waste code is created as a Specification in Specification Management.

The Waste code created can be assigned to Wastes, Waste approvals & Disposal documents. And hence, integrate standard values from laws & regulations.

  • Creation T-code: - CG02BD and navigate to Waste Code. Select it and click on Create button.

  • You enter the Specification Header tab data.

  • Maintain any restrictions on the Restrictions Tab, if any.

  • You maintain the Identifier tab with the relevant data. You can assign a regulatory list to the WASTECODE.

  • Now, go to the EH&S Waste Codes property tree. You maintain the Value Assignment tab with the required data via phrases.

  • You can specify a ‘Source’ if required. Source is the legal regulation or other ruling to which a reference value refers. (Journals, books, publications etc…)

Save your entries.

The waste code is created.

