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Dear All,

I have been using the WWI for printing SDS and labels. I have encountered errors, no output and solutions to them. I have listed few SAP notes in relation to them which would be helpful to the community. Will add few more as and when I incur issues.

ComponentSAP NoteDescription
Product Safety1576727Error occurs for blank compression check in report template
Product Safety1663430Blank compression with alternative processing method
IHS1497818Report symbols for Personnel number and person group
Product Safety1838128Report symbols for GHS hazard pictograms missing
Product Safety1576098EHS standard wwi processing methods
Product Safety1512213Error when editing report symbols
Product Safety1540754Instance control for extended safety data sheets
Product Safety970234G repeating groups and parameter symbols
Product Safety703685Hidden text in the report
Product Safety1826297Error: Symbol type in value file does not match symbol type in layout
Product Safety921082Error when you edit.import reports
Product Safety845617Dynamic character sizing
Product Safety699154Error in conditioned text


