Few days ago when I was working for some system configuration, I have faced a big issue to collect the db connection details for a DB2 server. So by facing so I planned to share my knowledge regarding data connection details I gained from various system configuration. Hope it will help all in future.
Here I will give the details of most used databases where developers need to connect using data server for fetching the data from those DB. I am giving the details for Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, Sybase etc.
Data Server Configuration : Before starting the data connection details let me explain about a bit of data server configurations. While configuring a data server few parameters which directly depends upon the database connection details, they are as follows,
- JDBC Driver
- Server URL
- Validation Query
JDBC Driver is a fixed driver class which is different for each kind of database. Using server URL it basically connects to the database but every databases have a fixed format for the URL and Validation Query used to check the ping to that server based on that MII determines the server is up or not.
Apart from that developers required another thing that is JDBC Driver (.jar file). So those are the main part developers required to collect data before configuring the data server in MII.
Data Connection Details :
- Oracle ::
- JDBC Driver Class : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
- Server URL Format : jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:SID
- Validation Query : select sysdate from dual
- Driver : JDBC/UCP Download Page
- DB2 ::
- JDBC Driver Class : com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
- Server URL Format : jdbc:db2://<host>:<port>/<db> (For JDBC4); jdbc:db2:<db> (for JDBC2)
- Validation Query : Select Current Date from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
- Driver : IBM DB2 JDBC Driver Versions - United States
There are lots of other db with IDBC connector which developers can connect in SAP MII Data server but the above mentioned are commonly in use.
Hope it will help a bit to the developer while configuring the data server.