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Edward provided quite helpful overview in his document: Standard WWI processing methods (WWI).

But may be it is time to collect some information about current WWI status. I did a small research in SAP marketplace. Once again SAP improved WWI in some areas. I collected and analysed only the most important OSS notes which have been generated or updated in the last 12 months. Please check SAP Marketplace for details and other potentially useful OSS notes.

REMARK: always try to use current WWI version on any server and any local client. Keep in mind: With EnhPack 3 you have the option to "exchange" a local WWI version by using the generation server WWI solution. Only the WWI layouter will need the local version in future if you use this option (but keep in mind: you need more WWI servers if you use this option.

What is new?

OSS NumberTitelRemakr
568302Current version of EH&S WWI and EH&S Expert or OCC

Most important OSS in regrads of WWI. Currentlywe have WWI Version SP37

2014: There has been 5 updates in regards of WWI version ! so roughly one per quarter !

2094891Output of identifiers per position for "Trade Secret" componentsSAP delivered a solution option to take care regarding what is called "Trade Secret" in chemical industry in context of e.g. Safety Data Sheet. This OSS might be helpful
1964708Incorrect language for identifiers (trade secret)Correction to the "Trade Secret" approach
1806056Usage check of the Trade Secret functionAdd on to the "Trade Secret" approach
2052892Solution package: Output exposure scenarios on EU safety data sheetsFrom time to time SAP is delivering what is called a "Solution Package". This OSS note is a "must to read" one. It does contain more in comparisonto the titel; Therefore. Just read it; it is a really big one and can helpyou doing the job in daily business
1601188Error analysis for EH&S standard processing methodsAre you frustrated in analysing WWI results? If so may be this OSS note might help
1058521Solutions to error messages that occur during report generationIf you get some errors during report generation may be this OSS note might help
2010955Reading the current language with a 2-character ISO codeIf you need to take care challenges the languages in context of WWI this OSS note might help
1095082Support for additional languages in EH&S reportsIf you need to take care challenges the languages in context of WWI this OSS note might help
2109701EH&S WWI: Improvement of support for right-to-left languagesThis OSS might help if you need to take care regarding "arabic, Hebrew, Urdu" or other languages which run reght to left
1507738EH&S WWI: Reports in right to left languagesThis OSS might help if you need to take care regarding "arabic, Hebrew, Urdu" or other languages which run reght to left
939928EH&S WWI: Processing of Asian characters and complex charactersIf you have issues with eastern languages in WWI; this OSS note might help
2072810EH&S WWI: Line break for Asian reports is not correctIf you have issues with eastern languages in WWI; this OSS note might help
2119543Display a characteristic with multiple value assignment using a space as the separatorCould be helpful if you would like to use a "Space" as a seperator in WWI display
2079693EH&S WWI: Special characters output as bar codes in serial numbersIf you need to take care regarding Bar Codes; this OSS might help
2080002EH&S WWI: Corrections in HVP printer driverIf you would like to use the "HVP" approach (High volume printing, e.g. in the area of GLM) this OSS might be helpful
1086712EH&S: Insert graphics or objects from user-defined texts in reportsIf you would like to use the option to get data from "user defined text" in a WWI report this OSS note might help
1608768FAQ: Layouting of EHS report templates with includesIf you would like to use "Includes" in WWI layouting: this OSS note might help