Better together! With the Open Documentation contribution process, you can now give feedback to the SAP Integration Suite documentation on SAP Help Portal. Meet one of the people behind the overall initiative! Today: Iwona Hahn!
Portrait of Iwona Hahn
Can you introduce yourself real quick? Who are you and what do you do at SAP?
My name is Iwona Hahn, I used to work as a User Assistance Development Architect for SAP. My passion is to help customers and partners to get started with SAP products by providing tutorials, help documentation, and organizing events like developer conferences and customer roundtables. Meanwhile I support the ABAP colleagues and their organization.
Can you explain what the Open Document initiative is?
Your feedback as an SAP customer or partner is instrumental in ensuring that we tailor our SAP Help Portal content to best suit your needs. The Open Documentation Initiative aims to bring authors of developer documentation, its readers, as well as SAP developers closer together to improve it. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and our Open Documentation Initiative contribution process.
You have a lot of contact to customers? What's their take on the collaboration process via GitHub?
The GitHub collaboration process that we’ve put in place allows customers and partners to easily interact with SAP authors. A GitHub account is all they need to provide open and quick feedback, or even proposals for improving the content.
Can you share an example of how the collaboration process has benefited customer and SAP?
Let me show you an example. For instance, if a customer or a user finds something on SAP Help Portal which they think needs an update or could use some additional info or rewriting, they simply open an issue on GitHub. Our authors are notified and can directly communicate with the person who provides feedback. This is a super-fast and efficient way to improve SAP Documentation.
Example: Collaboration Process
What are you currently working on and what are the next steps?
Till the end of the year, we are applying the Open Documentation Initiative approach to more services in the SAP BTP area. To prioritize our efforts, we focus on services with high customer adoption to spread the news of our new approach. Furthermore, we enable completely new services for this approach to help them to get early feedback. At the same time, we are talking to customers and partners to get their feedback on the collaboration process and to get input on the areas they are interested in.
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Other SAP Products Participating in the Open Documentation Initiative