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Global Running Day with the SAP Community in Melbourne - Wednesday 7th June 2023

Active Contributor



When I organised last years SAP Community running event here in Melbourne I was blown away by the support from SAP Community members around the world. Absolutely awesome. If you tuned in for this last year you would have known that on the 1st June 2022 Melbourne had possibly the worst weather of the entire year. It was seriously bad which meant that only Marco and I ran. I am hoping that the weather this year will be better!!

This year the #GlobalRunningDay will be held on Wednesday 7th June 2023 but you can run, walk 5k virtually anytime between 3rd June and 11th June so get ready to get your running shoes on. This will be our second SAP Community running event in Melbourne and I am so excited for this.

All SAP Community members are welcome and if you don’t want to run – you can walk or cycle!

For more info check out the blog post and sign up to be part of the event here


Active Contributor

Absolutely beautiful morning for #GlobalRunningDay with #SAPCommunity

Pillars of WisdomPillars of WisdomBeautiful skylineBeautiful skylineSun is risingSun is risingMelbourne waking upMelbourne waking up