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Zoom VLS Stopped Marking Classes Complete

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We use the zoom API integration. Recently the had to update from the OAUTH to API method because of the change in zooms architecture. It was working for a while, then stopped.

Anyone have this issue?


As per the update from our Engineering team, we could see that we are getting a 'meeting not found' exception from Zoom for all the classes. You will have to check with Zoom to understand why they are encountering this exception. There might be an issue with the your Zoom tenant."

Below is an example of what we see in the logs :

404 Not Found: "{"code":3001,"message":"Meeting does not exist: 93035001576."}"

404 Not Found: "{"code":3001,"message":"Meeting does not exist: 92259075131."}"

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Yes, we are experiencing the same issue. We created a ticket with zoom based on this message from SAP engineering.

However, we have not heard back from zoom and now we have to manually mark attendees as needed.

It appears when the APM processed, zoom did not provide any data at that time as our DB shows attendance still pending. However we do not store API calls, so unable to determine what was provided at the time of the Attendance APM running at 8pm the day after that meeting.
I did see a warning regarding an invalid cookie response, see below that you may want to provide to your zoom support that may be the cause, but would like for you or have your zoom support provide the results of the attendance API that is called during our attendance processing APM to make sure it matches that attendance report:

2023-10-28T00:00:26.968 +0000 [WARN ] {} [#3617814] SimpleJobExecutionPool(pc41lp54b002/HeavyWeight)-35924 - farmcred01 - job://pc41lp54b002/HeavyWeight/com.plateausystems.elms.framework.jobscheduling.impl.VLSAttendanceProcessingApmJob - ResponseProcessCookies - Invalid cookie header: "set-cookie: zm_aid=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:10 GMT;; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:10 GMT

2023-10-28T00:00:26.858 +0000 [INFO ] {} [#3617814] SimpleJobExecutionPool(pc41lp54b002/HeavyWeight)-35924 - farmcred01 - job://pc41lp54b002/HeavyWeight/com.plateausystems.elms.framework.jobscheduling.impl.VLSAttendanceProcessingApmJob - VleLogger - Zoom token OAuth access token value is eyJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsImFsZyI6IkhTNTEyIiwidiI6IjIuMCIsImtpZCI6ImYzYTkxNGE5LTJkOWItNDljYy1iNzkwLTcwODliMGYzNWU4OCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL29hdXRoLnpvb20udXMiLCJ1aWQiOiJxazk3cHN5c1N5Q0I1XzVHbnA3U0dBIiwidmVyIjo5LCJhdWlkIjoiMWQ1Yzc5MzdiNGZjZTA0ZDllZDU0ZWYzY2E2N2IzZTMiLCJuYmYiOjE2OTg0NTEyMjYsImNvZGUiOiJsRHFEeXVORVJTLWFPdVJKUmJJVC1RZk1pNnlXcTFHN2UiLCJpc3MiOiJ6bTpjaWQ6SUsxdU5OOWRUU2lUVEZ3UTl2VzFGZyIsImdubyI6MCwiZXhwIjoxNjk4NDU0ODI2LCJ0eXBlIjozLCJpYXQiOjE2OTg0NTEyMjYsImFpZCI6IktZQXhwWVo3U3JXTnFha19iTVhHR2cifQ.1_MISZaO_aDgOnkstg4AW08Qw0_3ACvv3ffbaQyEEL9xu12PaTIJCVGULmQaTOp8EUWEu0sI-87U5tuad03Kvw