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VOTE : 303671 Onboardees login experience requires additional step in Work Zone guided experience


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New joiner must go through 8 additional not-so-friendly-steps-experience to be able to login and access work zone onboarding guided experience ; whereas in normal ONB 2.0 steps these steps are not required and it offers far easier experience for the onboarding candidate to complete the onboarding steps 

Step 1 Onboarding user receives email notification with URL for Work Zone Onboarding Guided Experience and instructions .  

Step 2 Onboarding user accesses URL for Work Zone Onboarding Guided Experience & enters his/her candidate personal email ID as username value & click 'Continue' button

Password field & Forgot password? button is displayed on the page 

Step 3 Onboarding user clicks 'Forgot Password' button in logon page URL for Work Zone

Onboarding Guided Experience Email field page is displayed

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