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Update in Performance form via integration center

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have created an Integration center (IC) job which fetches data from MDF and update a field of rating in Performance form. Everything works fine but when a rating is changed in MDF, the next IC job is not updating the data in the form.

This is the integration center code and would appreciate if someone could help to find the issue that why data is not getting updated in form though I can create it

"entityName": "FormCustomElement",
"payload": [
"elementKey": "ele_0",
"formContentId": 248214,
"formDataId": 63463,
"itemId": 14,
"sectionIndex": 5,
"value": "110.00",
"valueKey": "wf_sect_5_e_ele_00",
"__metadata": {
"type": "SFOData.FormCustomElement",
"uri": "FormCustomElement(elementKey='ele_0',formContentId=248214,formDataId=63463,itemId=14,sectionIndex=5)"
"entityName": "FormCustomElement",
"payload": [
"elementKey": "ele_1",
"formContentId": 248214,
"formDataId": 63463,
"itemId": 14,
"sectionIndex": 5,
"value": "101.67",
"valueKey": "wf_sect_5_e_ele_11",
"__metadata": {
"type": "SFOData.FormCustomElement",
"uri": "FormCustomElement(elementKey='ele_1',formContentId=248214,formDataId=63463,itemId=14,sectionIndex=5)"
"entityName": "FormCustomElement",
"payload": [
"elementKey": "ele_2",
"formContentId": 248214,
"formDataId": 63463,
"itemId": 14,
"sectionIndex": 5,
"value": "110.00",
"valueKey": "wf_sect_5_e_ele_22",
"__metadata": {
"type": "SFOData.FormCustomElement",
"uri": "FormCustomElement(elementKey='ele_2',formContentId=248214,formDataId=63463,itemId=14,sectionIndex=5)"

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