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Unnecessary highlights in the documents

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In the simulation, I deleted a mouse action from a slide and added an explanation manually. Then I enabled "Highlight in Documentation" option. Now the document highlights are present at the left corner of the screen in the document.[Refer below screenshot taken from Documentation View.]. I checked this for many other slides and its same. I never added highlights for that explanation box at left corner. Has anyone experienced this? Why does this happen?


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The default location for a document highlight is in the top left of the screen. In order to move or resize it to highlight the correct UI on the screen, you need to choose the red box at the top of the screen "Document Highlight" and once you are happy with its size and location, just choose the Green tick to confirm.

If you don't want the highlight box, but just want to ensure that the new Explanation is included in the documentation, then make sure "Show in Documentation" is ticked, but leave "Highlight in Documentation" unticked (see below)

I hope that answers your query.

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Thanks for the reply. My question is why these highlights are getting appeared and placed without setting them?


Sorry, I thought because you said "I enabled "Highlight in Documentation" option" that you wanted a highlight to appear. If you tick that box then the highlight automatically appears in the top right corner by default and you have to move it manually.

Also, please be aware that if you copy an action or explanation with "highlight in documentation" ticked from one step and post it in another step the highlight will appear automatically in the same place as in the original step even if that makes no sense in the new one.

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Anyways, your answer gave me a clarity on document highlights. Thanks.

Active Contributor

Does it appear in the actual generated document like that, or just the preview? The preview is a very rough view of a generic document, and doesn't really represent how it will actually look in a specific document format (case in point, this highlight seems to be hidden).

I would double-check that Highlight in Documentation is NOT enabled for your Explanation Bubbles.

The only other thing is that SEN will always show any highlights against the 'last screenshot available' - so if you suppress a Screen from a document, any macros for that screen will be shown against the previous step's screenshot...

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It appears in both preview and document generated. To avoid this, I need to turn off each Explanation box's Highlight in Documentation option.

Active Contributor

Well, by default (out of the box) it is NOT selected, so someone has specifically changed that in the Authoring Settings. Go to Authoring Settings > Macro Initialization > Interactions > Explanation > Documentation and deselect Highlight in Documentation. If it is selected, it will default to showing it at (I think) 20,20 which is what you are seeing.

This won't automatically change it for existing simulations, just new ones - so yes, you will need to change them all manually. Although you can do it for all Explanation macros in a Simulation at once by using Edit > Select Macros by Type - but make sure you're not accidentally deselecting ones where the highlight IS wanted in the document; someone obviously felt strongly enough about it to change the default at some point...