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Time Management SF

0 Kudos

Please describe about Time Account Type object and Accrual Rules.

In which context do we use these?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello PoloVW,

it seems that you are quite new to SF time management. This forum is not intended to give basic knowledge. You can try, of course, but I doubt that someone will elaborate the basics of time accounts or work schedules to you. Besides - SF Time management has got it´s own partner forum -if you are a partner:

partner forum

To learn basic SF time management I recommend conducting the THR94 Training course. It is an online course where you learn nearly everything on SF Time Management. There is also a certification for this course THR 94 infos.

Most answers to your basic queries can also be found in the time management implementation guide.

There is simply no other chance getting into a new topic than to a) consult the respective training course and / or b) read the documentation.

You can also conduct my blogs on that topic -that might also help to get an understanding.

On top, I think you are posting in the wrong community. If you are a partner there is a dedicated partner forum for SF Time management

Best regards
