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SuccessFactors - Business Rule - Right to Return

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Dear Experts,

If I want to hire somebody in the Hiring Action for a position that has an active right to return on it, the position should be used only if a contract end date is entered for the new hire to avoid having more people on the position after the return.

Is it possible to create a business rule for this case and reference the right to return in the business rule?

For example: if position has right to return and contract end date is empty, raise message with error severity

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Dear m.bacskai,

The system will always look into the possible return day of the employee to the position in order to allow, or not, you from assigning the position to another employee. So, what you are requesting is not possible to be implemented, specially because the position becomes vacant and we have no way, from the business rules, to check if someone is returning or not.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Karen Perez