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Success factors api: How t o find the picklist id associated with a JobAppTemplate field

0 Kudos

Hello all,

I'm very new to SFactors and SAP but am using the API to retrieve a known jobApplicatonTemplate with the following call.


So, after calling this I get everything back, fields, possible labels etc.
What I need now is to find out now is if the each field is using a picklist and if so what picklist does it map to? I know from the set up that a field called 'cust_REC_WorkingPermit' maps to a picklist called 'yesNo' which has an id of 1442. I don't see this in the response anywhere or (see below) - does anyone have any any idea how I can get this?

Further down I see a path for picklist options in the relationships but I don't know if I can use that?

Below is the complete json for one field 'cust_REC_WorkingPermit'.

Any help greatly appreciated
Thank you

-----------------------------------JSON for cust_REC_WorkingPermit---------------------------------

"aggregationRole": null, "businessKey": false, "defaultValue": null, "displayFormat": null, "elmStrength": "Unclassified", "fieldControl": null, "filterable": true, "fromRole": { "multiplicity": { "name": "ONE", "symbolString": "1" }, "path": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit/My_Template_New", "role": "My_Template_New", "EntitySet": "My_Template_New" }, "id": false, "insertable": false, "insertablePath": null, "label": { "labels": { "results": [ { "key": "default", "value": "Working Permit" }, { "key": "de_DE", "value": "Arbeitserlaubnis" }, { "key": "en_GB", "value": "Working permit" }, { "key": "en_US", "value": "Working Permit" } ] }, "mimeType": null }, "maxLength": null, "name": "cust_REC_WorkingPermit", "navigateToPojo": false, "path": "My_Template_New/cust_REC_WorkingPermit", "precision": null, "relationship": { "deletable": true, "end1": { "multiplicity": { "name": "ONE", "symbolString": "1" }, "path": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit/My_Template_New", "role": "My_Template_New", "EntitySet": "My_Template_New" }, "end2": { "multiplicity": { "name": "ONE", "symbolString": "1" }, "path": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit/picklistoption", "role": "picklistoption", "EntitySet": "PicklistOption" }, "insertable": true, "name": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit", "path": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit", "updatable": true, "upsertable": true }, "required": false, "scale": null, "semantics": null, "sensitive": false, "sortable": true, "text": null, "toRole": { "multiplicity": { "name": "ONE", "symbolString": "1" }, "path": "RcmTemplate_1442_cust_REC_WorkingPermit/picklistoption", "role": "picklistoption", "EntitySet": "PicklistOption" }, "type": { "name": "string", "path": "string" }, "updatable": false, "upsertable": false, "utcReady": false, "viewable": true },

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