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(SAP Companion) Edit Mode not working in Learning?

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I have configured SAP Enable Now integration with S/4HANA On-Premise for Extended Mode. I am able to create content in the Tour tab

Edit mode works in Tour Tab.JPG

However when I go to the Learning tab and click on the Edit icon, I am not able to go further. There is no + sign to add content.

Edit Mode no show in Learning.JPG





01) What custom content can I create in the Learning tab via the browser directly? 

02) If I can create custom content in the Learning tab, what could be wrong when I click on the Edit icon and no further action is possible.

Regarding Learning Center: Can we add our own content or change the standard content to show up in the Learning Center? Again I can click on the Edit icon but no further activities are possible.

Edit Mode in Learning Center.JPG



Thanks and best regards.



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Question 1 - None.  The Learning tab is used to display eLearning content, such as Simulations, Book Pages, and Media Objects, e.g. PDF documents, hosted in Enable Now Manager.  You must create this content using the Manager Web Editor, Producer, or Instant Producer.  You can also record Simulations directly into Manager, using the nice new Simulation recorder

Question 2 - Nothing is wrong, you cannot create content in the Learning tab through SAP Companion.  You can get your own content to appear in the Learning Center.  The following rules must be correct for an object in Manager to appear in the Learning Center:

1. The content object must be int he correct WA in Manager and published
2. The content object must have the same Language as the application interface that you are viewing; although content does also appear for fallback languages if content is not available in your primary language.  By default, the fallback language for SAP Companion is US English
3. The content must have the same Product Name and Product Version as your application, e.g.

When you record Simulations, using Producer, Instant Producer, or the new Manager Simulation recorder, the Product Name and Product Version details are automatically added to the content.  The Context of the screens that have been recorded are also automatically added.

If you want to link non-system content, such as Book Pages to an application screen, you must do that linking manually, or using the recording functionality in Producer.

recording context.png

 Hope that helps.


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