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Plateau report Designer - Description of Job Location

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I would like to create a report in which the description of the job location is displayed. As soon as I refer to it in the query and display the report, the table to which the data set is linked is hidden. I can show it again under Visibility, but then only the overview bar is shown and no data.
I customize the report SignInSheet and the error always occurs in the data set EnrollmentInfo_Child.
I also want to display the description of the organization. This is given without any problems, only as soon as I add the job location the error occurs.

Here is the query text:

select o.org_desc, jl.jl_desc, rownum as row1 ,st.stud_id,st.org_id, st.jl_id, st.lname, st.fname, st.mi,
concat(concat(concat(concat(COALESCE(st.lname,''),','),COALESCE(st.fname,'')),' '),COALESCE(st.mi,'')) as user_fn,
null as stud_sig, null as stud_sig_date,
st.super, sup.LNAME as lname_sup, sup.FNAME as fname_sup,sup.MI as mi_sup,
concat(concat(concat(concat(COALESCE(sup.lname,''),','),COALESCE(sup.fname,'')),' '),COALESCE(sup.mi,'')) as sup_fn,sup.general_display_name as sup_gdn,st.general_display_name as gdn
from pa_enroll_seat en, pa_student st,pa_org o, pa_conn_student jl, pa_student sup, pa_enroll_stat es
where en.schd_id = ?
and en.enrl_stat_id = es.enrl_stat_id
and es.enrl_stat_typ_id = 'E'
and en.STUD_ID is not null
and en.STUD_ID = st.STUD_ID (+)
and st.SUPER = sup.STUD_ID (+)
and st.org_id = o.org_id
and st.jl_id = jl.jl_id

Here, the description of the oragnisation was added according to the same pattern and it works with it.

At first I thought it might be the connection to the PA_CONN_STUDENT table, but I have tried other tables from the current data dictionary and the same error always occurs.
Were there any other changes here or which table should I refer to?


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