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Odata query returning partial data during an $expand call for Foundation data extract

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I am working on extracting the FOJobCode Foundation data for an Integration need and am encountering the issue below :

Odata query :$format=json&$expand=cust_toJobClassificationLocation

Entity : FOJobCode
Jobcode | startDate | Description | endDate | JobLocation

1234567 | 01-01-1900| Exec Direct | 31-12-9999 | NewYork,NY
2345678 | 01-09-2023| VP Finance | 31-12-2023 | Atlanta,GA
2345678 | 01-01-2024| VP Finance | 31-12-9999 | NewYork,NY
3456789 | 01-12-2023| VP SCM | 31-12-9999 | SanJose,CA


LocCode |Description | startDate | endDate

NYNYC01 |NewYork,NY | 01-01-1900| 31-12-9999
GAATL01 |Atlanta,GA | 01-01-2023| 31-12-9999
CASJC01 |SanJose,CA | 01-12-2023| 31-12-9999

The Odata query is expanding the Navigational Entity cust_toJobClassificationLocation which links the FOJobCode to FOLocation with the JobLocation relationship.

When run without filter or select, it returns the JobCode 1234567 with the NYNYC01 details from FOLocation, but for other JobCodes it is not picking up the relevant Joblocation details.

When run with filter for a specific Jobcode for either of these JobCodes, it returns the correct top of the stack record as expected.

Note : None of the asofDate, fromDate, toDate don't seem to change the data payload being returned.

Any insights into what maybe needed to refine the query would be gladly appreciated !

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