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Limiting 1 Completion per Item per Calendar Year

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We have  quite an "interesting" use case and I wonder if anyone might have a solution/ workaround for this. 

For some of the Item (Online) e-learnings we have, we want to limit the number of completions each employee can have in a calendar year. For example, if employee A has completed an e-learning X on 17 Apr 2024, and received a "Completed" status for it, he or she should not be allowed to re-attempt the same e-learning until 01 Jan 2025. 

Ideally, we want to implement the same restriction for Instructor-led course as well. 

Could anyone share if there is any function/ solution/ work-around to meet such requirement please?

Thank you. 

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Hi! So - I have some thoughts, and perhaps others have a better way of doing it, but here are my thoughts as I pondered your question.

For web-based, if you are assigning that content to the user via a direct assignment or assignment profile (to get them to complete it that one time) - then technically - the item itself does not need to be in a library (so it can be hidden from learners). This prevents them from completing the course 'again' because it is hidden from them. Now, there are no date limitations around this, it just is. This doesn't solve the issue if you want users to self-register in the first place though.

If you needed self-assignment, you could also create a library with just this one item, and create an assignment profile for that library that includes the parameters Does not Equal Item Completion "Course X"- which would allow users that did not complete the content to be shown that library (so they can self-assign) and those that did complete the content would not see the library (because they no longer fit the criteria of the assignment profile). But this doesn't fix your 'reassignment' the following year thought. 

For ILT, there is a function within the items to prevent multiple enrollments over a span of time. Preventing Learners from Over-Enrolling | SAP Help Portal For example, if the interval is 30 days, you can set this to 30 days and it will only allow that user to register once in that 30 days time span. You can set this to 99999 to completely eliminate them enrolling again ever, technically. Now again, this doesn't re-open the course on a specific date - but you could use say, 365 days - that user can only register once in a 365 day span. It would be rolling versus be calendar, but could do the trick for you.

I don't see any of these as a perfect solution for you - but I thought I would throw out some ideas that ran through my head while I pondered your use case. Looking forward to hearin what others may come up with on this one!


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Hi @Marie_McGuire, thank you very much for sharing your ideas. I reckon there is no ready solution to achieve what I hope to do but these ideas are worth exploring. I especially like the idea of "prevent multiple enrollment". I had the thought of setting the date value as "365" and that is likely to help us with the ILT. I'm secretly hoping that the same setting will restrict launch an online item within the 365 days. I wonder if you have tried setting 365 days to the prevent multiple enrollment field for Online Items? Unfortunately, I currently do not have any viable instance to test this out myself.
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Sorry, the restriction applies to registrations (which are class specific) - online items would not be restricted like this to my knowledge.
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Thank you @Marie_McGuire. Appreciate your confirmation. I will leave this thread open for now, in case others in the community have more thoughts and suggestions.

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