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Lifecycle Maintenance - Change pointers

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The change pointer job for BIB (RBDMIDOC) runs nightly and sends two different sets of employees to Employee Central. Employees who have been updated since the previous load. Employees who had an error as of the previous load. The error list therefore will build up over time with unresolved issues. There are some errors that will likely not be resolved but are not an ongoing issue.

  1. Example:
    Terminated employees who are subsequently “re-terminated” in SAP in order to make deceased
    Unless action is taken, these errors will build up over time

From running the program, there seems to be no way to prevent the death after retirement people unless we delete the message type from the change pointer table.

Open to other suggestions

Message Type: ECPAO

Change Pointer Table: BDCP2

EE# location: TABKEY, characters 2-9

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