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Learner role deleted

0 Kudos

Dear Team,

I know that this shouldn't happen, but someone deleted the standard learner role in our system. As this is the default role for all users stepping into the system via SSO, no "learner" is able to view any content any longer. Is there an option to fix that? Could we somehow download that role again? Or do we have to create it new and do a kind of bulk assignment to all users of our system? Any support is very welcome.
thank you very much inadvance.
Br Annette

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I'm surprised that using the permissions on the Root OU doesn't work - unless Root doesn't have the permissions on the Workareas... You're sure Root has all the same permissions as the default Learner? By default it doesn't. Learners has:

  • Content: Comment
  • Content: View
  • Resources: View
  • User List: View
  • User Profile: Edit
  • User Profile: View
  • Views: Learner View
What's happening with the upload? It may be just the volume. Try it with one user, and if that works, try in batches of (say) 1,000. That's still a lot of work, but one thousandth the effort of what it would be otherwise... Someone in SAP may know if there is a finite limit on uploads - open a ticket (if not done already) and ask them. If uploading 1 does not work then something is wrong in the format of your upload file - check it, and specifcially how the role is specified.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor

You'll need to recreate it. Make sure you give it exactly the same name ("Learners") and that it is stored in the same OU (usually System) and it should still be assigned to new SSO users OK. You may need to (re)assign it to all existing users, depending on whether SEN uses the name or the UID of the role in the mappings (I think it uses the name - at least if you do a download/upload) but I haven't tested it. In the meantime, just give the Root OU the same permissions, and everyone will be covered by that.

0 Kudos

Dear All,

Hello, Good Day!

We have tried uploading the bulk assignment via user import with the template provided from the "Export" download but the same error persists even we have tried several types/formats of file such as .xlsx and .csv. (Please see attachment for the given error)

We would like to seek your expertise to kindly assist us on the next steps or is there other way to upload the users or the Learners Role to 120,000+ Users on the system.

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Dirk,
thank yo u very much for your answer. The ROOT OU already has got the same permissions, but unfortunately that doesn't work.

We will try to do it with a bulk assignment via Excel, but with more than 120000 users we're struggling with the system that way.

Br Annette