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Hyperlink problem in SEN

0 Kudos
We have a problem in the organization using the hyperlink in SEN.
Previously, there was no problem, the hyperlink was active at the time of placing it in the templates (even with a changed name).
Currently, after placing it in a template or on a book page - the hyperlink is not active.
After placing it in the simulation template and starting this template - it does not send us to the place indicated by us.

Has anyone in the community encountered this problem?

Best wishes

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Active Contributor
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So I just updated one of my existing Book Page Templates that is used in many places to include a Link on an image. As soon as I do this, the link works in all Book Pages that use that Template - because the Template is (re)applied at display time (so there is no need to 're-generate' the content). But you do need to Finish Editing / Publish the Template if you want your changes to be picked up when you start the content using that Template from the Published link.

What are you doing differently?

0 Kudos
The problem is that hyperlinks created earlier work on book pages.
The new ones I create and try to open don't work.

It is interesting that the hyperlink that is active on the book page (it was created earlier) is no longer active after being copied and moved to a new book page.
I will add that the editing is finished, the content is saved and published.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

How are you creating these 'hyperlinks'? Text links? The Link property of an object? Using the built-in link objects? I don't understand why it would work on one Book Page but when you copy it to another it does not - unless it is being placed below something else on the Book Page, so it is no longer clickable...

0 Kudos

Thanks, succeeded with this hyperlink. Regards Raphael