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How to retrieve *day by day* EmployeeTime info via API

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  • SAP Managed Tags:

Hi there,

Can anyone advise if there is an OData API entity that allows me to retrieve all daily Employee Time records in a given period (i.e. absences, attendances, etc. day by day)?


If I use EmployeeTime, it delivers only one record for each absence when the period of absence spans more than one day. 

(e.g. an absence for the period 05.10.2024-14.10.2024 is returned as one record, but I need 05.10.2024, 06.10.2024, 07.10.2024, etc. up to 14.10.2024 as separate records).


If I use EmployeeTimeCalendar, it seems to only includes certain Absences (but they are day-by-day), and it doesn't include Attendances.

Incidentally, I am unable to figure out how it decides which absence Time Types to include.


Any thoughts?

Many thanks,

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FWIW, I figured out a solution in SCI. I started with EmployeeTime (which retrieved absences and attendances), and then used a Content Enricher to retrieve the EmployeeTimeCalendar for the absences in the EmployeeTime payload (keyed by the EmployeeTime externalCode). Then I used XSLT to restructure each EmployeeTimeCalendar entry into a separate EmployeeTime node, leaving me with a day by day breakdown of all attendances and absences.