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How to restrict employees from recording timesheet after a certain date

0 Kudos

Dear All,

We would like to disable/ restrict users from modifying timesheet after a certain date in a month andd/or to restrict users from modifying previous month's timesheet.

We tried raising an error message as described in the blog :

This does not work when the timesheet has overlapping months.

Looking for ideas to achieve this. 

Thank you,


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@PetraRana @kavyarao99 

Please watch carefully our new release rollout sessions. You will be happy what you will find there 😉

0 Kudos
Hi @Volker_Ruof, we are also facing a similar issue during configuration of timesheet lock period, we didn't find quality information that address this issue. Can you please provide some insights on this, maybe any solution document that may be helpful?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
@Aratrika_Bardhan: you can use the time recording admissibility object. You can either use the "old" function to define the admissibiilty periods in weeks, or you can fill a table in the newer "retroactiv change restriction" section where you can enter a list of dates. The "effective as of" date a date in your time sheet period and the "no changes before" field can then be entered with a calendar date as well. With this you can align your time sheet periods to the payroll period for example.
0 Kudos
Hi @Volker_Ruof, thanks for the response, really appreciate the solution provided. Additionally, it would be very helpful if you could attach any document or reference material to aid the configuration of this case.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
@Aratrika_Bardhan: I don´t have a document. It is not rocket science, just try it out in the system. The effective date entry is a date that falls into a time sheet period - and for this time sheet you can then set a date before which a retroactive change is not possible. If you have 12 payroll periods for example you need to enter 12 dates into ths table.
0 Kudos
Hi @Volker_Ruof, thanks again for the information. Will try it out and hope it works as expected.

Hi Kavya,

we have similar requirement and have tried many ways but the week when timesheet overlaps 2 months, there was always an issue. We have spent months on this. Finally got confirmation from that this will not work. We are waiting for monthly timesheet to be enabled as we are hoping that this will resolve the issue.

There are influence requests related to this: Influence Request #246676 - merged with #213030. Improvement Request Details - Customer Influence (

As per roadmap this should be coming in 2024: SAP Road Map Explorer

Hope that this helps.
