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How to resolve the "Creation Failed" error for SAP Companion

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We have configured SAP Companion for the SAP S4 Fiori application. All Author roles have been set up in SEN Manager. Now, we can see the In-App Help Widget panel activated on SAP Fiori applications. The Edit (Pencil) icon is also enabled. However, when I click the Pencil icon to author new content, e.g., Help Topic or Guided Tour, I get the following error. Any possible reasons for this? Has anyone encountered this error? 

Eroor 145.png


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Usually a permissions error. Most likely because you are trying to save to the SAP standard content Workarea (UACP in Mani's list below), or because the dataUrlSEN2 is pointing to the wrong place (i.e. is pointing to a Workarea you don't have write permissions on).

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Participant

There a lot of reasons for "creation failed" error. 

The primary reason will be not setting the servicelayerversion parameter correctly. Refer below image.


If the error still exists, then there is a problem in configuring the SAP Companion for S4. Recheck the configuration document.


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Thank you Mani and Dirk. I updated the parameters again and kind of redone everything from the beginning. It worked. Thank you both for the solution.