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How should the Start Meeting functionality be used in CPM?


There's nowhere to add your discussion topics in CPM ahead of clicking the Start Meeting button. And once you click on Start Meeting your only option is to SAVE meeting and it's completely locked after that. You can click the small Activities / Meeting breadcrumb URL at the top and I believe that "saves" the meeting as a draft. But this is not intuitive at all. The main button should be renamed "Meetings" and there needs to be an additional page where you should be able to draft a meeting or a "Save for later" button and a "start a meeting" button at the very least for it to make sense.

Having to click "start meeting" to get into meeting history also makes no logical sense from UX standpoint. If the button was called "Meetings", then you had the option to view old meetings, draft a new meeting, start a new meeting it would make so much more sense.

Furthermore none of the demonstrations I've seen from SAP or other businesses have explained exactly how to use the meeting functionality. Are employee and manager supposed to be in this page on their own laptops together? Is the employee supposed to take their laptop to the meeting and fill this in with the manager? With no option to save and review it makes this is very confusing process. Anyone got advice? Any improvements coming up for this functionality? Does SAP ever test this out with customers before releasing something that makes 0 sense?

edited for spelling errors and to add the influence

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Hi Heidi, funnily enough your post pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly! In fact just today I've submitted the below influence request which is essentially to have some form of 'save for later' functionality:

I also have the same questions as to how other companies are using this in practice.