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Error in Candidate Profile Template

Former Member
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Trying to import the CPT from the course files but an error is appearing.

"Error: Picklist field businessType is mapped to a non picklist field."

I can't find the "businessType" in the xml file and I have also created a picklist for "businessType" to be sure but there is still an error. Not sure what's the problem.

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 4.46.52 PM.png

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello, the error shown on the screen means that the Businesstype field is mapped with a datamodel field and that maybe the Data Model field is not a list filed. I suggest checking the mapping field of the Datamodel and if it is not ready, convert it to the list using the same list of the Businesstype field as you are using in the candidate profile.

I hope the suggestion is useful