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Enable Now - Unpublish a course and republish an older version

0 Kudos


My client doesn't want to see updated content until the end of the year. Can I unpublish the current version (still keep those changes to publish later) and republish an older version?

I don't want to lose the other current work.

Or should I duplicate the course (new version) then revert the original to an older version?

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Active Contributor

Yes, but you will need to do it PER OBJECT (i.e. per Book Page). Go into Manager, and for each object, click the drop-down for the Publish option and select Versions / Tags:

Then you can select which version of the object you want to be published - and it will leave all more recent versions in place / current, so you can continue to edit these if you need to, without affecting what the users see.

I did a video explaining how it works, here: